This kit includes Tourmaline, Palo Santo, Special blend of oranges, sage, rosemary, and other sacred herbs to add your loose leaf sage or mugwort. Do not leave any burning object unattended. Set out the stones at opposite sides/ends of the space you are clearing. Sprinkle some loose leaf sage/mugwort/artemis/sweetgrass (not included) into the shell. Add a little of the Special blend on top and light on fire. Allow to burn until it extiguishes and begins to smolder. Allow the smoke to filter throughout the space. Bless every aspect of what you are releasing with the intention that it has served it's purpose in your life and you are grateful for the lessons, experience, and understanding it has brought into your life. Go all through the space with this blessing and release. Refill the shell until you are completely finished with the space. Be aware of smoke detectors and alarms, so do this in a well ventilated area. Bless the area daily with the Palo Santo thereafter. Check out IGTV for all our kit video instructions.