Top left Hematite, bottom left Ruby, bottom right Blood Stone, top right Lepidolite. Hematite connects you to the core of our planet Earth, deeply securing your energetic root tendrils. Allowing the frequency of this heavenly body, to hold you safely. Ruby is all about that Root Chakra, Muladhara ❤️🔥💝💔 secure your vibrancy with this steady healing frequency who gently soothes as she heals. The deepest red is your root now. Embodiment, connected. Beautiful Blood Stone is to help purify blood, reduce inflammation by supporting optimal circulatory health, and has a Christs’ Consciousness Heart Chakra connection, so below. Sexy Lepidolite joins the subconscious psyche, diving deep to support release of difficult thoughts, feelings, emotions. She is a full representation of High Heart 🩷 flowing in reciprocation with the Universe, allowing spiritual healing, aiding deep shifts while sleeping. Allowing deep energetic shifts. When holding the set, it straight up shifts you. Each stone is about 3/4" in size.